Adoption Wait Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Pajama Day at Daycare

What a wonderful way to start our day! Hannah is rocking the gingerbread man pajamas this morning! Of course, I bring her into her classroom and apparently the other parents have forgotten about the all-important pajama day! (or maybe I just hallucinated it...)

Oh well, I'm glad Hannah is too young to be embarassed.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pre-Christmas Cute

Behold the cuteness. Runny nose and all.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Besides the sickness that descended upon our household, Thanksgiving was a pleasant event (note Hannah's constant runny nose). My dear friend, Maria, came to visit (read: spoil Hannah) from NJ. Hannah is walking very well now and her favorite thing was to follow Cole. I think he really enjoyed having a shadow.

And nothing says Thanksgiving like a motorcycle in the Davis household. Hannah is the latest recipient of a motorized motorcycle that has been passed down in our family from child to child. She quickly figured out that the red button means go. That's my girl.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ahhh, confectioners sugar... yum!

I should have known better - it was just too quiet in the kitchen. Went to the kitchen and this is what I see.

And then I see this. Can you stand it? Even when she is naughty she is adorable.

Apparently, Hannah enjoys the confectioners sugar very much. Especially right before bedtime.
