Adoption Wait Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Super Girl to the Rescue!

That's what Hannah was saying this morning as she was walking through the house in this getup. I apologize, I didn't take any pictures during Thanksgiving, so hopefully this will tide you over.
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Greyson!

Greyson is three years old and his birthday party was this past weekend. Hannah really enjoyed spending time with her cousin and playing with his toys. Greyson has lots of trucks and boy-stuff and I think Hannah enjoyed the change from her girly girly stuff. Happy Birthday sweet Greyson!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why my husband is awesome

This past Saturday, while I was enduring a horribly long hair appt. (long story), my sweet husband rearranged my office. I have been talking about moving my desk to the middle of the room for awhile, but I was waiting to find some awesome perfect piece of old furniture to use as a desk (aka very expensive and impossible to find). We were watching one of those self-improvement shows on Friday night and part of the show focused on organizing the woman's office and in turn simplifing her life. That gave Chris the idea to repurpose an old table of his mother's that we had in the garage as my desk. A few hours later of moving things around and Viola! a perfect solution.

I'll post some pictures once I've got everything settled and hung on the walls.

Thank you baby.


Happy Birthday Saylor!

Can you tell that we have been to a lot of birthday parties lately? It seems like very weekend is occupied with one party or another. Hannah seems to have been enjoying her busy social calendar and I am getting some perspective on how other parents handle their children's parties. Saylor's birthday party was this weekend. Hannah was NOT in a social mood - she spent most of the party in Saylor's room playing with her toys. She didn't even want to "help" Saylor open her presents. Once we got her outside, she was very content playing at the sand table while the other kids ran back and forth from the castle to the bouncy house. I think that since she has her own mind and is content to sit back is a good thing. Maybe she wasn't feeling well or maybe going to so many birthday parties has finally caught up to her. Towards the end of the party we did get her in the bouncy house for about three minutes - I took as many blurry pictures as I could.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This may seem random, but this picture is taken from our church bulletin. Every Sunday we get an extra bulletin for Hannah to play with, draw on, fold up, whatever. Last Sunday Hannah asked for a RED crayon (thank goodness I had one) and began to color the illustration on the front cover. From what I have seen, this is Hannah's first attempt at coloring within the lines. I know I am biased, but I was impressed.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Brienna!

Apparently, Brienna's parents are the gambling sort of people since they scheduled their daughter's birthday outside at a local park... in November. Well, they are very lucky because Brienna had a beautiful day for her birthday party. It was a little cool - but no one seemed to mind. Hannah really enjoyed the play areas of the park. She was very busy showing off her new "hanging by her hands with her feet up in the air" trick and hugging her friend from daycare, Stephen.

Happy Birthday Jadyn!

A little over a year ago, we were fortunate enough to run into a family that had recently adopted from China at a pizza parlor (kids eat free on Wednesday, guess what day it was). When we met them they had been home for just two weeks. And to add to the coincidence, Jadyn is from the same province as Hannah. They both come from Nanchang, China. We have kept in touch every since and we were invited to Jadyn's second birthday party. Hannah had a great time playing with scarves, playing the drums, dancing and playing the Hungry Hungry Hippo game. Hannah has been talking about it ever since. And she demonstrates such restraint while playing the game, it is impressive. Instead of banging the tar out of the lever to get the marbles, Hannah just methodically pushes the lever. This technique proved to be pretty successful since she always seemed to have the most marbles. No worries, Hannah is getting Hungry Hungry Hippos for Christmas. Is there a Hungry Hungry Hippos tournament?

Quote from this weekend.

All three of us were in the car and Daddy was telling Hannah that she could not do something. I can't remember what the something was but here is what I remember:

Daddy: "Are you going to pout now?"
Hannah: "No, pouting is dangerous."

We asked her to repeat it and then just started to laugh. What a serious little girl.

The Circus

The day after Halloween was the day the Shriner's Circus came to town. "Papa" is a Shriner, so we know that the money for the show goes to a very good cause. Hannah went last year with Grandma and Papa and from what they tell me, Hannah slept through most of the show and did NOT like the clowns. This year, Hannah stayed awake but she still did not like the clowns. I really can't blame her. Every since I read the book "It" by Stephen King, clowns just are not the same to me. And don't even get me started on John Wayne Gacey... but I digress.

I think she really enjoyed the show. She contently sat on Papa's lap eating popcorn for most of the show. At the intermission, they invited the crowd to go down to the stage level to ride the elephant, ride the ponies, get your face painted, slide down the big inflatable slide or get your picture taken with the bear (there was a piece of plexiglass between you and the bear). All of these attractions cost additional money (of course) and thankfully we did not have enough cash with us to afford any of them. Besides, I'm not sure we would let her do most of them even if we did have the money. The elephant ride and the bear photo scenarios reminded me of those "Animals Gone Wild" shows, the inflatable slide was huge and I was afraid Hannah would get run over, and the ponies did NOT look happy. Maybe we would have gotten her face painted. I hate to be an over-protective mother, but I guess I'd rather be safe than sorry. So we took her picture in front of most the attractions, just to prove we were there.

Twick or Tweat

I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but we get a lot of trick or treaters for Halloween. And when I say a lot I mean A LOT. Like 200 children. There is a Halloween festival that a church down the street from our house and every year people drive into our little town and trick or treat up and down the neighborhood. I was proud because thanks to my Mom this year was the first year I did not run out of candy. My Mom, Paul and Matthew came to help us with the Halloween rush, so C and I could take Hannah and Cole trick or treating. I finally remembered to use our Red Flyer wagon (it seems that we always forget to bring it out when a wagon would be so much more handy than a stroller). My Mom was dressed as a "I'm not sure", Paul was a "biker", Matthew was "the joker" and Cole was "batman". Hannah and Cole had a great time trick or treating. Instead of "thank you" after a person would drop candy in her bag, she took to saying "Happy Halloween!" which I thought was just as nice. Once we did a pass through the neighborhood, Hannah got to hand out candy, which I think she liked just as much as receiving it.