Whew! What a whirlwind! This year's Chinese New Year's party was a blast! I don't think I've ever seen a group of kids rip through anything as fast as they ripped through our house.

First they ripped through the buffet (which was awesome and yummy - Thanks to Miss Nancy, My Mom, Melissa & Aaron and Susan!)

They they ripped through the craft table. We added stripes to tigers, colored Chinese zodiac charts and rubbed dragons to reveal awesome colors (thanks Melissa & Aaron!)

Then they ripped through Hannah's playroom. This picture was just the first time they destroyed the playroom. The children came back for round two after they went outside.

And finally they ripped through the playground. I don't think I've seen so many kids on the playhouse. It was awesome!

It was wonderful to have our house filled with so many smiling faces and laughter. Thank you everyone for coming and I hope you had as much as I did this year!