Well, we did it. We registered Hannah for kindergarten. KIN-DER-GAR-TEN people. Man, I am old. Anyway, doesn't she look scared, unsure and overwhelmed? Oh wait, that's ME.

In true Hannah-ness, she took registration by storm. She already knows a couple of the teachers and about 4-5 students through church and dance class. She was walking around waving to everyone like a beauty pageant winner. Of course, Mommy cried like a baby as we left, but that's besides the point.
Looks like we've got nothing to worry about. I'm more worried about myself. Any suggestions for the first day of school? I'm thinking either Valium or a shot of whiskey. Or maybe BOTH.

Here's Hannah's flower that they added to the wall of upcoming kindergarteners. Too cute (of course it is pink).