As we were making our way to Tilghman Island from Washington, D.C. when we drove through the CUTEST little town. As soon as we could carve out sometime, we headed to the little town of St. Michaels. And there is the most awesome store ever. Coco & Company. I. Die.

After our quick visit to St. Michaels, we headed back to the house to watch the storms roll by. It was an amazing view.

Once the storms passed it was time to swim. And when I say swim, I mean achieve-amazing-breakthroughs-of-bravery-and-levels-of-water-comfortableness-never-before-seen-from-this-child-swim.

She floated. BY HERSELF. No worries Daddy was always close by.

She jumped. ALOT. Both while wearies floaties and then without. Do you think Daddy looks a little nervous?

She flew! HIGH. Do you think Daddy is starting to look a little tired?

A very wet Anya and Sara hugging poolside.

Hannah then got really brave and swam with the other girls. I think it is so cute how her and Serena insisted on holding hands under the water.
Can you believe it? This is the same girl who screamed and cried after the Halloween apple-bobbing contest because she got a little water in her eyes. Amazing what a little peer pressure will do. I'm just glad I have photographic evidence.