Fishing! This year, Hannah and I thought it would be nice to take Daddy out fishing for his birthday. So we all took the day off from our jobs and school and headed out with fishing pools in hand.

FYI - those are rocks that Hannah had already picked up in her net - not fish. She was collecting them throughout the day to use as skipping stones once the fishing was done. She kept asking to throw the rocks, but we told her the rocks would scare the fish so she had to wait.

Behold, the patience of a six year old.

Daddy's impression of "Captain Morgan".

"Look at how many grapes I can stuff in my mouth! Hey, can I throw the rocks yet?"

We got extremely lucky with the weather - it was clear and sunny all day. Hannah caught one fish, Chris caught four fish and I caught sunburn. Just call me "Captain Buzzkill". A lovely day was had by all and we hope we can do it again together soon.
Happy Birthday Honey!