Good morning to whoever is still checking in on this blog. And THANK YOU to whoever is still checking in on this blog.
I apologize for being remiss on my blog duties. You see, my husband lost his job in September and I did my best to put on a happy face for as long as I could and then slowly but surely things... just started... to slip away. And this blog sadly was one of them. We kept our focus on keeping things bright and upbeat for Hannah and that didn't leave much energy for much else.
But now the good news! He got a job and starts in early February. So I can breathe again. I swear it feels like I was holding my breath for four months. So I am recommitting myself to the things that I enjoy and I have lots to share.
So thank you again for sticking around and I will be catching up on my posts. I will also try to work in our Instagram photos too. My husband takes some beautiful Instagram photos, y'all!