Hannah had a wonderful third birthday! Her grandparents from NJ were here and she got to spend alot of quality time with them during their visit. Her party was on the same day as her birthday this year (usually we have it the week before), so it was nice to really go all out on one day instead of spreading it out over a few days (although her birthday has spread over a week now... sigh). She slept in that morning (I think she did that last year too). Geez, she wasn't up until 3:30am working on her playroom like Chris and I were! Anyway she woke up to "Happy Birthday" and her birthday waffles complete with strawberries and whipped cream in the form of a smiley face. Once she finished her breakfast we had to hurry to get her dressed in time for her guests to arrive. She got to wear her princess crown all day and we did not bother with potty training - it was HER day, so she could pee if she wanted to.
We had around 16 kids - a really good turnout for a holiday weekend. Hannah got a lot of wonderful presents and had plenty of help opening them as you can see in the picture. For the most part, Hannah kept her cool. As much as I can expect from a three year old. We did "make your own strawberry shortcakes" instead of cake this year. Hannah really loved the strawberries. But I think pink lemonade was her favorite thing. She still asks for it now - I'll have to start keeping Countrytime in the house.
The bouncy house went over very well. Although it took awhile for Hannah to get in and even then Daddy had to go in with her. She still doesn't bounce by herself. She is getting really good at falling.
Once all of her guests left, she got to change into her "3" tee shirt and spend some quality time with her cousin Cole. She passed out that night around 8:00pm (which is early for our girl). We passed out shorty thereafter.
Happy Birthday to our sweet Hannah.
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