We went straight to the Lion King show since we heard that one was the best. A lot of people from our group had already arrived and they were kind enough to save us seats. So we sat at the end of the section. It was a GREAT show - I highly recommend it. Towards the end of the show, a young dancer in a Zebra costume comes up to us and asks if Hannah can be in the show. Absolutely, so then the zebra dancer takes her hand and takes her to a small group of older children who have been picked by other dancers. They quickly showed them how to wave and shake some kind of gourd/maraca looking thing. Hannah loves to do both of those things so she was very enthusiastic. The stage was round so the dancers proceeded to lead the children all the way around the stage. Hannah was so cute shaking and waving as the zebra dancer hustled her around the stage. I was so proud of her, I almost started to cry. Here she was thrown in a completely new, loud, chaotic situation, and she just shined. Timone was singing the song and then I noticed that after going around once, all of the older children were lead back to their seats while the zebra dancer and Hannah were hanging out at one corner of the stage. Then Timone finished the song and says "That was great kids! Good Job, especially you!" as he points down to Hannah. Then she comes running back and her little heart was racing. I was so proud of our little pixie (and SOOOO happy we got her hair cut). We have the whole thing on video and if I ever figure out how to get that on this blog, I will share it with you.


Oh, I almost forgot. Let me explain the quote of the day. After the dinner event, Animal Kingdom was closed to the public, so we were gently ushered out to the exits and onto the appropriate buses to get to our hotels. Sidenote: Did I mention that there were three older brothers (ages 6-7) in our group? Well, two of the boys were the catalyst of the "Incident" that I am about to explain. We are happily riding the bus to our hotel when a man towards the front of the bus turns around and yells "WHOSE KIDS ARE THESE????" Since both of the "kids" were part of our group and the man was yelling I immediately paid attention. Apparently the boys were rough housing on the bus and it really annoyed this man and his family. So one of the mothers in our group grabs her son and brings him back to where we were sitting and some people start making some comments like "Boy, someone is really grumpy... he's in a bad mood... murmur murmur murmur blah blah blah." So the wife of the angry guy gets out of her seat, turns around and says to all of us behind her on the bus, "Just because you are at Disney World, doesn't give you the right to act like an a$$hole." Uh Oh. That's when I raise my voice and say "Why are you cursing? Just stop cursing, there's babies on this bus." along with a few other people. She comes back with "I don't give a F-bomb." That's when Chris stands up and starts yelling at her to sit down and stop, to just stop, because there are children on this bus that had nothing to do with this... She refuses to sit down and insists that we need to control our children. And that's when Chris says "It's not my kid, there are other people on this bus..." Meanwhile I find it interesting that her husband is saying nothing at this point and that Chris is the only one standing up to this woman. I was holding Hannah's ears so she couldn't clearly hear all of this mess. Thankfully the angry woman and her presumably very angry family get off of the bus at a different hotel and the rest of the bus starts clapping.
Wow. I guess this is not your mother's Disney World.
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