On Sunday, Grandma took Hannah and me to a local production of the Nutcracker. Hannah's first ballet! Hannah was wonderful and patient throughout the whole thing. It was about twenty minutes too long for her. She was antsy - but thankfully she didn't make a lot of noise.
After the ballet, we had to rush back home for the Christmas concert at our church. Hannah took a quick nap in the car on the way, so she was refreshed and ready to go once we got her costume on. During the concert Hannah sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" a cappella all by herself. Hannah's cousin Greyson was supposed to sing too, but he had second thoughts. Everyone got a kick out of Hannah's song. I was thrilled that we got it on tape. Although we don't know how to post a video - but that's a different story. Once the concert was over, we had refreshments and then it was time to go home. Hannah got it in her head that she had to give every single person at the reception a hug and wish them "Merry Christmas!" There was about 30 people to hug that night. What a sweet girl.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Merry Christmas, I love you guys. I'll see you in January.
Love Jackie
Sweet little angel. Merry Christmas to you guys! Lots o' love ...
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