We planned to stop in Atlanta on our way back to see the aquarium. We had heard such cool things about it and never seem to have time to go to Atlanta and we have a real soft spot in our hearts for aquariums. We stayed near the Olympic park and were able to walk around a little bit right after we checked into the hotel.

Hannah took this picture of Chris. Didn't she do a good job?

This slide was a series of conveyor belt rollers. A little bumpy, but the kids seemed to love it.

I sincerely hope that I NEVER SEE THIS WHILE I AM IN THE WATER. When I took this picture, I was totally protected within the tube and that shark STILL freaked me out. I'm such a sissy.

Did I mention we love turtles? Correction: Hannah loves turtles. Thus as soon as we arrived, we were on a mission. This place is HUGE and they only have ONE stinking turtle. Thank goodness we found him.
1 comment:
Oh, wow. The one of Hannah on the big green thing (a slide?) is like a preview of what she's gonna look like at 10 or 12. So pretty.
Um, did the child realize she had water on her head and face all those times in the pools and ocean? Was there a breakthrough? Fingers crossed!
Looks like an amazing trip - so glad you guys had such a great time!
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