Sorry this has taken awhile to get these photos up, I don't have a good excuse, so I won't bore you with any bad excuses. We decided to adopt Chico into our family on Saturday. He is in worse shape than the rescue group let on, but I don't think we could live with ourselves if we left him there. We're not dead inside, you know.

He is almost blind and seems to be rather hard of hearing. He had hot spots, which have already started to heal. I was thinking of changing his name to "Keller" as in "Helen Keller" but that didn't seem to be very nice. We kept the name "Chico", but I usually call him "Cheeks".

We will take him to the vet's next week. Keep your fingers crossed that no additional problems crop up.
Awwww....that FACE!!! How could you possibly resist!! Congratulations!
Aw man, that face is awfully sweet. So do he and Jack have 2 good eyes between the 2 of them? Fingers crossed that he has no more health issues, and that everyone adapts to the new addition quickly!
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