So here are the pictures from Hannah's recital. I loved the backstage photo I took last year, so I tried to replicate it this year. I can't believe how tall she is getting!

The girls did a good job on their routine. Things fell apart in the middle when the girls were supposed to hold hands and turn in a circle two times and then break apart into two lines and then grab their respective partner and come up the middle (see it's even hard for me to explain verbally). This part of the routine has always been a challenge throughout the year - I think the teacher was a little over-ambitious. Although, I must say that the confusion that ensued onstage was priceless.
After all of the routines and before the finale, the dance school put together a little slideshow. Here are the slides that Hannah was in:

The last two slides were taken the day it was "beach day" at dance class. The girls were asked to wear things they would take to the beach. Hannah is in a bathing suit and a pink hat. When I saw this picture with Hannah's hat pulled down on her head, I immediately thought of "Dumb Donald" from Fat Albert:

Did y'all know his name was "Dumb Donald"? Yeah, me neither. Ahhhh, the seventies, so free with the malicious adjectives.

The theme for the recital this year was "Legends". Hannah's routine was to James Taylor's "How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You". We agree that James Taylor is a living legend - he is one of our favorites.

Hannah did a great job with the mini-routine for the finale. And it was nice that she was in the front so we could see her. Overall, it was a delightful afternoon watching our little pixie perform. Supa Star!
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