We made it! After weeks of my hoping, plotting (read: obsessing), we drove to Atlanta for the Country Living Fair. This was the first year they held it in Atlanta and since we are not too too far away - I was really hoping we could make it.

And of course we didn't do it alone! Anna and her Mommy (from our adoption group) were able to join us. Isn't Anna cute as a button?
Okay, on to the show. Here are some general pictures I took as we walked through the delightful arrays of goodies. I was in heaven!

I have been seeing these old subway & bus signs EVERYWHERE. I really like them, but since I have seen them so much in my travels, I am turned off by the trendiness. Sigh.

This booth had white paper walls that the vendor wrote some of the prices of the items on. Isn't that clever?

I had to restrain myself when I saw these various old game pieces. I die.

This snowman almost went home with me. Too bad he was made of a SOLID log of wood. He was cute, but very heavy. I will miss him.

Lavender, schavender. I want the AWESOME wooden crate.

So you are thinking, "Kim, there is NO WAY you left this show empty handed." And you would be correct! After many months (maybe even years) of searching, we finally found a bird house! And here she is! Isn't she a beaut? We are now trying to figure where to put this lovely in our yard.

I must say, the girls were EXTREMELY well behaved. I mean, when I said we are going to the Country Living FAIR, they thought "Fair = rides and games and fun!" and since I am evil, I did not correct them. Hee hee. I know, I know, I will get mine soon enough.

They did say that "This fair is REALLY BORING." but that was about it. Thankfully the fair took place in Stone Mountain Park, so we were able to reward them with a train ride and a laser light show. I will post more on that part of the day later.

Smiley faces.

Silly faces.
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