These pictures are from the Halloween party that took place a week before Halloween at our local church.

Come on now, isn't she THE cutest Statue of Liberty ever? Yes, she might be missing the tablet - but still, she even had green sandals on people. BTW - did you know that the Statue of Liberty is NOT holding a book? I always thought it was a book. Duh. Anyway, she is holding a tablet with the date of the Declaration of Independence engraved in Roman numerals.

Welcome to Dr. Davis's Haunted Lab-BOR-atory. Chris likes to say "Lab-BOR-atory" instead of "Laboratory" but I didn't want to confuse the kids so I spelled it correctly on the sign.
When a willing victim, ahem, I mean participant reaches their hand into the hole, one of three bowls will be placed under their hand. Once they reach into the bowl, the participant needs to identify which body part they are touching: Brain, Heart, or Eyes. If the participant guesses correctly they win a prize. No worries, everyone won a prize.

See? they don't look so gross with the lights on do they?

This was the first time we did this activity with the kids and they seemed to really have a lot of fun with it. Some kids came back several times so they could touch every body part.

I love this picture of Mrs. Baucom. She was one of the few adults willing to try the game.

Yours truly was in charge of the cookie decorating station. Each child got to decorate their own sugar cookie with several different kinds of icing (i.e. sugar), sprinkles (i.e more sugar) and decorations (i.e. even more sugar). I practically went into a diabetic coma just watching these cookies being made.

Here are some of my favorite creations:

And of course, what is a Halloween party without some face painting?

Don't worry Hannah, Mommy & Daddy are working on a piano of your very own. Stay tuned.