Everyone, let's stop and pay homage to the Great Inflatable Pumpkin. Why do you ask? Because this Great Inflatable Pumpkin is hard. to. find. At least this particular Great Inflatable Pumpkin is hard to find. So last year when you fall in love with the Great Inflatable Pumpkin (or G.I.P. as I like to call him) and the lawn service visciously attacks GIP and leaves him for dead on your lawn with a giant hole in the side of his head, you are very sad. Then you spend the better half of November searching for a worthy replacement for GIP, but no black cat or stupid witch can hold a candle to GIP.
So you give up. You decide that it was not meant to be: GIP and you were not a match. Seasons change, fall becomes winter, winter to spring and spring to summer. Next thing you know it is September again and you are reminded by every Halloween display what you have lost. And then you find it. Or your husband finds it. And you order it as quickly as your credit card numbers will allow and you wait, wait, wait for GIP to come back to you. And he does! And you are together again. And this time, you elevate GIP on a "stage" of hay. Everyone gather round, GIP is back! Ohhhh, ahhhh.

Ahem, okay I'm glad I got that off my chest. Thanks for listening! Moving on.
BTW, I love that my Mom likes to dress up like a witch to hand out candy. Ain't she cute?

Since Ayden was not really cooperative for the trick or treating pictures, I posted the picture of him from the church's Halloween party so you can get the full Frankenstein effect.

Happy Halloween Everyone!
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