This one is called "China". Baby Amelia is there in front along with a turtle (Hannah's favorite toy when she was a baby and now I guess it will be Amelia's. Sorry Amelia, I hope you like turtles.) Hannah put a rattle in Amelia's hand. Awwhhhh. Notice the Great Wall of China in the background?

I couldn't help but notice that Amelia looks like Jack Jack from the Incredibles. Remember when Jack Jack turned into a monster to get away from Syndrome at the end? Yeah... okay.

Now this one is entitled "Hop the stones or you will get eaten". Eaten by a variety of dangerous water creatures that is. Missing from this shot is the octopus and the water snake - they are sort of around the corner.

Watch as Hannah demonstrates the challenge.

See? It's easy!

So easy, I will do it again! (showoff)

And finally this is a dress or an elaborate crime scene outline that Hannah is demonstrating, I forget which. Happy Chalk!
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