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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

This morning's cuteness

I interrupt my regularly scheduled catch-up posts to bring you a snippet of cuteness from my conversation with Hannah this morning. She is going to a day camp near my office this week, which means plenty of girl talk during the drive. Since today is "Impersonate a Rockstar" at camp, Hannah is all glittered and pink from head to toe.

We had a discussion about who Hannah is impersonating; several candidates were discussed, Hannah Montana, Madonna, P!nk and Britney Spears. During that conversation, I mentioned that P!nk is having a baby. Here is the script:

Me - "Hannah, did you know that Pink just had a baby?"
Hannah - "No, really?!"
Me - "Yes, she just had a baby, so she is little like baby Sophie."
Hannah - "I want to pray for Pink's baby to be safe."
Me - "You are a sweet girl, honey. But I don't know the baby's name".
Hannah - "Is it Purple?"

Wait for it... and smile.

By the way Hannah chose Britney Spears for her impersonation. She is on the comeback tour.

Sidenote: Here is Hannah dressed as a pirate the following week of camp. Ain't she a cutey?

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