Today we took it easy. We didn't have any place to be in the morning, in fact we needed to stay in our rooms from 10:00-11:00am in case there were any questions with our paperwork (Hannah's visa application was submitted to the U.S. Consulate today). At breakfast we ate the largest grapes we have ever seen. I thought they were as big as Hannah's head... Hannah does not agree.

After breakfast, we decided to stay in the room and veg out. This trip has been a long one and I think we are both homesick. After Hannah's nap, we walked around the pools and Chris got artsy with the camera. Then we headed over to the Pearl Market in a taxi ride we now like to call "Close Your Eyes and Hope that the School Children Get Out of the Way in Time." It's an experience to say the least. We got Hannah a pearl necklace and matching earrings for her eighteenth birthday gift.

After our return taxi adventure, we propped the girls up near the waterfall in matching outfits that we bought in Nanchang. Audrey sits so nicely, I think Hannah felt like she had to step it up. We think both looked absolutely adorable and hope that this is not the last of the pictures these two will have together. Tiffany & Mike, we kid because we care, of course we want to stay in touch... besides when we adopt again we can be adoption buddies! Mike - I'm just kidding, just kidding Mike, calm down.

You may not be able to tell in our pictures, but there are several bronze statues all around Shamian Island where the hotel is located. We saw one of these statues and felt that we had to get Hannah to ride it. It's perfect Hannah-size and reminds us of our sweet Mickey-Moo.
That's all for today. Tomorrow we go to the zoo and U.S. Consulate. Hmmmm, I wonder if they will be similar? Unfortunately, we cannot take any photography equipment into the U.S. Consulate for the Oath ceremony - so tomorrow's pictures will be zoo-oriented.