That's part of a little prayer I say whenever I land safely on an airplane. But enough about me, let's get to the good stuff. We took pictures of each of the three flights we took in the last three days of our journey. Hannah did well on each of the flights, only a minor meltdown or two. Nothing a couple of brand-new parents couldn't handle.

Now we are back at home, Hannah is doing wonderfully and is adjusting to all of the curve balls her parents keep throwing at her. She has met new people, seen new places, played with new toys and slept in a new bed. I think we are finally on Charlotte time. Jet lag proved to be a pretty tough customer. Hannah still doesn't sleep through the night - she gets hungry around midnight - but she is getting better at it every day. She is a little daredevil and likes to be held upside down, spun around, etc. She is showing a mischievious side that we hope to see more, at least I can say that now.
P.S. I apologize for the delay in this post, we are now just getting into the swing of things. Stay tuned.
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