We woke up to find Hannah had rearranged her crib bumper. I guess it was not feng shui.

Today we had physicals for the babies and the red couch pictures. Hannah did really well during the physical even though we had to walk fifteen minutes through the pouring rain to get there. And yes, we wore the ponchos. There were three stations to take the babies to: height & weight (26" long & 15.3 lb.), ear nose & throat (all normal) and the general physical (Dr. said she was skinny in Cantonese but did not write it on the report).

After a nice long nap it was time for the red couch pictures. Our picture turned out pretty good, but the baby picture is always a long shot. Hannah leaned over almost immediately after I put her on the cushions - I had to hurry because I was getting yelled at to get out of the way. But at least she didn't cry. Hannah seems to listen to the other babies and figure out whether out not she needs to cry too. And most of the time she doesn't think so.

I included a shot of the impressive waterfall and coy ponds in the White Swan's atrium - pretty cool huh?

Tonight we went to dinner to the 2nd Street restaurant. The last picture is Hannah with mashed potatoes on her face. We were feeding them to her and we both turned away and when we turned back this is what we saw. I still don't know how she got that much on her forehead.
Tomorrow is the Pearl market to get Hannah her last of eighteen gifts.
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