Adoption Wait Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, April 24, 2006

Cutey McCuterton of Cuteville

Today is our first full day with Hannah and we can already see glimpses of the sweetest baby ever. We woke up at 2 am this morning with an empty belly and a nasty full diaper - you know, just to get things moving along. We had some official business to attend to this morning at the Provincial Registration & Notary offices and Hannah was a real good girl for all of it. We got some smiles today and even a half giggle.


St. Paul's Reformed Church said...

Good Morning (at least for us)or perhaps it's good evening. You all look so happy and Hannah Mei is indeed a truly beautiful baby. We are all excited about your "adventure" and are constantly in prayer that all continues well for you. May God's blessings, peace and comfort be with you all the day (night) long.
With love,
Pastor John

Dee said...

Wow. What a beautiful family you've made. Just lovely.