Adoption Wait Ticker

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, April 24, 2006

Hannah Bear

Well, of the few things that we have learned about Hannah, "she is a trooper" should be at the top of the list. She was a little bit more fussy this morning than usual - she even took a nap after being up for about an hour. Her nose has been running and she started this little pitiful sneeze/cough thing. We gave her a bath in the sink and she screamed bloody-murder the whole time. I tried to get the mysterious crud out of her belly button, but I could only get a couple of fragments - should have brought tweezers. We calmed her down and took her to breakfast and she tried some egg with her congee and some grape baby juice for the first time. We even took her on a very brief walk right before it started to downpour.

Today our agency arranged for a doctor to come and look at the girls and our appointment was at 11:00am. We thought this was perfect timing since her nose has started to run and the cough thing. To say that it was tramatic for Hannah is an understatement. It took four people to hold her head so the doctor could look into her ears - which were clear thank goodness. And the tongue depressor was horrible too. It turns out that Hannah's glands are swollen and she has got a bad cold. Her eyes have some goop in them, but the doctor thinks that is part of the cold. Looks like the anitbiotics we got in the U.S. will come to good use. Our agengy reps are also picking up some Tylenol for Cold and Cough (like a dumba** I only have it for fever) at the pharmacy this afternoon.

Right now, Hannah is sleeping and we hope she will feel better soon. I will take more pictures as soon as Hannah stops thinking we are worst parents ever.

I think she has somewhat forgiven us although that certainly can change. We were able to get some "hanging out in the room" pictures and we got a cute one of her looking at the fish in this huge tank at the 0791 restaurant where we ate dinner. Check out her raincoat and bunny slippers - I know too cute. One of the mothers from our group has to leave tomorrow to go back to work in a Broadway show in NYC. So we took some early family group pictures. I've also included a picture of the Corbin family - break a leg Laurie!


1 comment:

St. Paul's Reformed Church said...


We will call upon the creator of all life to touch "Hannah Bear" with his healing hand and make her well. Peace and love be with you.