Sorry for the delay - Hannah decided to throw a fit most of the night and that cuts into my posting time. She seems much better now.
Yesterday we took a long bus ride to a one thousand year old village. And Hannah decided that a very bumpy 60 mile-an-hour bus ride was as good as time as any to make a BIG poopy diaper. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Besides the bus was smelling way too fresh. The village was very interesting, people still live and work there. And it smelled about as bad as our bus. The tour lasted about an hour and a half. We took pictures in front an ancient tree and is supposed to be lucky. On the way home, the Hannah which we will now call "Dark H" began to make an appearance. Just overall fussy and not wanting to be held but wanting to be held, etc. She was pretty good through our farewell dinner and then it was on like Donkey Kong. I won't bore you with the details - almost all of you have been there. Keep your fingers crossed that our flight from Nanchang to Guangzhou goes smoothly.
A ride through the country and a ride through life with a child are very similar. They both have their ups and downs. Sometimes it rains and sometimes the sunshines brightly. Sometimes the diaper remains fresh and sometimes it, well, smells otherwise. But, if we take it all with love, both receiving and giving, life will be a glorious journey. Not an old Chineese saying just a old parent's thoghts. May all of you days and nights be filled with the joy of each other.
Be well, and know you continue daily in our prayers! Pastor John amd all of St. James
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