Happy Labor Day! Well, here in China at least.
Hannah's first plane ride went very smoothly. Well, if you call having a BIG poopy diaper at 29,000 feet smooth, then it went smoothly. You got to give to Hannah for her impeccable timing. Now if we can just get Daddy to change a poopy diaper - we're in business. The man is not afraid of heights, insects, snakes, etc... but baby poop scares him. Now don't get me wrong, he is an excellent assistant, so much so that I feel like a surgeon - "Wipe... Wipe... Destin... Diaper...". But I digress, back to the trip.
Chris heard that Guanghzou looked like Charleston and I have been skeptical (me skeptical? Naaaaaa) but he is right. On Shamian Island, where the White Swan Hotel is located, it looks like Charleston. The architecture is very colonial because the English had settlements on Shamian Island. Everything else looks like... Newark. Very industrialized and hazy. In fact our guides told us that it is hazy everyday because of the pollution. We got lucky because our room has a view of the Pearl River (fourth longest river in the world). Everything is lit up at night. And when I say lit up, I mean LIT UP. We will take some pictures soon to demonstrate. After some yummy room service - cheeseburger & ravioli - we got a pretty good nights sleep. Hannah still wakes up during the night (last night around 2:30am) but we finally figured out that if we don't wake her too much for her bottle she'll go right to sleep. Keep the lights low, talk softly, etc. I know, I know duh.

Hannah is doing so great. She has been rolling over like a champ and she grabs things with either hand. She'll even to work her feet to try and bring something closer to her. She sits up with a little help, but she getting much better at the balance-thing. She doesn't mind tummy time as much now. She giggles when you run with her and it sounds like music. She talks to herself to stay awake and she holds hands when she is tired. She amazes us every minute.
This morning we had to take her picture for her visa and this afternoon, I have a hour and a half of paperwork to look forward to. Yeah!? Today we received our special edition Going Home Barbie, made specifically for adoptive families of Chinese orphans staying at the White Swan Hotel. We got to do some shopping and then Hannah needed a nap, so here we are. Just wanted to let you all know we made here okay.
P.S. We can read the comments here, and Chris has been doing a really good job at taking my picture with Hannah.
What a joy it is eo "be with you" on your travels and adventures, to also share with you Hannah's emergence from the shell of abandonment into the joy of a loving family. I know that, for you both, even "pooping" at any altitude is something you're grateful for, well, sort of. Looking back at our children it was part of the lesser joys. Sue and I took turns at night. One night on, one night off.
We look forward to having you all home, with Hannah in her very own room, and a chance to get to know and love her as you do.
May your journey continue in peace and safety. Love from us all at St. James. Pastor John
Don't know if you get your comments directly to your email. That is probably the only way you will get this--2 years after not writing to your blog! I was searching the internet for pics of the Qianshan SWI , where your daughter, and mine were found. Just wondering if you were able to get any pictures of Qianshan, or any info about it. I am writing my daughters lifebook, and hoping for some info. Please email me at: kullstarla@gmail.com. thanks!!
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