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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First Haircut

Sorry for the delay, there has been some technical difficulties. Thanks for standing by.

Hannah had her first haircut right before Christmas. I think the pictures give you a good idea on how it went. Suffice to say, thank goodness for lollipops.


Susie said...

Hannah is growing up so fast. I can't believe how long her hair is getting. I can still picture her hair and how it stood up while we were all in China. I have hair jealousy now because Dallas still has very short/thin hair.

Jennifer said...

Camden cried through her first haircut, too. I gave her her second, a tentative snipping with rounded scissors while she was in the high chair eating peanut butter or something. It went lots better. Despite our efforts, she has a mullet, which doesn't really matter since we live in South Carolina. And I can say that because I've lived here my entire life and have myself sported a non-facetious mullet in the past.
