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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Name That Tune

Guess what song Hannah is going to be dancing to for her tap class!


Come one, take a guess!


I bet you'll NEVER guess!


Okay, here's a hint. It's by this guy:


And it's from this album:


And it's not "Purple Rain", "When Doves Cry" or "Darling Nikki". It is a child's dance recital after all. Although, don't think that "Let's Go Crazy" didn't cross my mind.



I am pleased to announce that Hannah's tap routine is to "Baby I'm a Star" by Prince. It was the B side to "Take Me with U". Remember when there were such a thing as "B sides"... what do they call them now? Are they called "2nd-song-option-that-we-as-the-record-execs-don't-think-will-generate-as-much-money-as-the-first-song"? Anyway, can you tell I am excited?

BTW, Hannah's ballet routine is going to be to a song from "Polar Express", blah, blah, blah but who cares. We're talking about old school Prince, people!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

You.Kill.Me. :-)