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Monday, July 02, 2007

Hannah's Birthday part one

We held Hannah's birthday party a bit early this year so we could coincide with the fourth of July festivities in our town. I guess having July fourth on a Wednesday really messes things up.

Even though it was as hot as the dickens, we had a really nice turnout for Hannah's party, lots of friends from daycare, friends from far away and family. My Mom made these awesome monkey cupcakes (more pictures later). Our pastor and a friend of mine from work were kind enough to share these pictures with me, so I figured I post them while I am compiling my pictures. Y'all know how long it takes me. At least you have something to enjoy in the meantime.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Happy early Birthday, Banana Bear! I can't believe how grown up she looks.

Those cupcakes look awesome.